Saturday 21 November 2009

Nobody Panic!

by Kieron McFadden

Governments and their puppet masters increasingly abandon even pretending we live in a democracy and more or less do as they please. What is to be done?

Government is perceived by increasing numbers of people to be sliding into a dark in which the final vestiges of our democracy are abandoned. Bodies such as Congress are considered to have become rubber stamps to laws that are passed over our heads in service of a ruling oligarchy of corporate moguls.

More and more people are becoming aware that this or something like it are actually happening and that we are, as once-free people, in serious trouble.

There are those among us who would argue that in fact we have never really HAD a democracy, merely a con-game masquerading as democracy, and that the ruling oligarchy has become confident enough in its power to drop the pretence. One cannot even say that democracy has failed; only that it has never been sincerely tried.

There are those of us (well, me, actually) who are amazed that anyone is even surprised by any of this, given the history of this planet and the liking of the criminals among its inhabitants for infiltrating the creations we erect so as to order our affairs and then suborning them for their own selfish ends.

How did we not see this coming? Did we think the criminals would let our democracies with their rich pickings off the hook because we were so nice?

Be that as it may, watching the mood and opinions on the internet one perceives a growing groundswell of alarm and then anger at the conduct of Congress and other high crime areas.

There is talk - that is already receiving a surprising amount of support - of abandoning Congress and switching to a direct democracy and so forth.

I perceive too a growing frustration and anger at the increasingly brazen criminality in the executive and legislative branches as the mores, customs and beliefs of the people are treated with contempt so that some faceless fat cats can further line pockets already awash with filthy lucre.

One of the dangers of the situation we now face is that the people will be provoked into anger. When people are angry they tend to abandon reason and lash out (the White House, after all, sits in wide open spaces at the head of very broad avenues - easy to defend against a mob of angry citizens!). And government, which is a machine incapable of reason, tends to lash out right backatchya. And it all gets very ugly.

I noticed as soon as the "what do we do?" debate started up, the huge number of different opinions expressed as to what "we" should do. Some, for instance, want revolution; some want evolution; some want direct democracy where every law is debated and voted on by every citizen; some want a benign dictatorship; others want free expression for all; still others wanted it only for those who pay tax. Some want more tax, some want less tax, some want income tax, some want a purchase tax, and some want no tax at all.

Everybody has an opinion and they have a perfect right to it. Certainly it is the action of sane, honest men to debate their opinions, formulate a consensus and a plan of action and then DO something. However, we don’t have a great deal of time and the internet lends itself to the fun of endless debate and the whole "free speech" thing we have going, from government’s perspective, is that it is perfectly fine for the citizenry to chat away so long as they don’t ACT.

But how do we achieve a unity of action when everyone has a different idea of what to do?

Down through the millennia, the Good Guys have had rings run around them by the Bad Guys because they were never as organized as the Bad Guys. The Bad Guys never minded putting a jackbooted army together and trampling anyone who got in their way, shooting a few people, torturing a few people, imposing their minority will on the many and so forth. The good guys on the other hand tend to respect the rights of others to have their own ideas and not be trampled on, crushed under jackboots, forced to live a certain way etc. This is very fine and there is nothing wrong with it, except that it always gave the Bad Guys, with far fewer numbers and even fewer scruples, a massive advantage in terms of getting their own way - even if what they built was without real value and tended to be very short-lived.

Somehow we good, honest folk have got to deal with this and develop some effective solidarity, some firm agreement, because we are at this very moment getting trampled on yet again.

We see this phenomenon hard at work in our modern world. The Bad Guys, because they do not care about others and have no scruples, are uninhibited in their actions. They do not mind, for instance, if half the Third World starves to death, so long as they have slave labour hard at work making them rich. They do not care if the planet chokes to death on their pollution as long as it happens to a future generation and not them. They do not care if little kids die because they produced dishonest research, so long as they can make a few million out of their new drug. While the rest of us are being rightly nice to one another, checking our facts, being fair and considerate in our actions and trying not to murder or rip off our fellows, these birds have basically taken over the planet!

Evil is a highly centralized power with vast corporate and banking might at its disposal. Against this highly centralized power are ranged innumerable groups all seeking to do right by their fellows and improve the world.

But each group of Good Guys acts without co-ordination with the others and alone. In essence then each small group faces alone the entire combined might of oppressive power on the planet. And there is a likelihood, should any of them threaten to make any headway, of their getting stepped on like a bug.

The problem is: how do we unite the Good Guys before people get really rattled and we have outright civil unrest on our hands? Can we have any effect at all on the might of a government gone criminal and its corporate puppet masters? Can we, for instance, bring Congress and its law-making machinery back under OUR control?

Is there anything upon which millions of people CAN agree without being coerced into it? Is there anything around which they can unite without abandoning their own ideals and the right to campaign and argue for them?

Yes there is. There are two things I can think of. There may be more.

The first is that money should be real money and made honestly. I think all of us can agree with that. Well, at this moment, if you care to spend a few hours looking it over, you will find that right there we are all the victims of a scam and that scam has put the Bad Guys in control virtually of all the money on the planet. If we can put an end to this scam, we will rob the Bad Guys right there of ninety percent of their power.

A full discussion of this is beyond the scope of this article. I invite - nay, encourage - you to explore this as a matter of urgency and have made available some FREE books that will assist you. An alliance of Good Guys around the purpose of simply exposing the great money scam and insisting upon a few simple reforms that will transform our economies and break the power of the Bad Guys, could bring a revitalization of our culture and a removal of it from the hands of criminals in a few years. Indeed this scam – exposure of – is their Achilles Heel and the Good Guys would be well advised to take full advantage of it. Please check it out.

The second thing we can all agree on is that people should be truthful. For our particular purposes here, I think all of us can agree that government and its officials should not lie. A powerful alliance of Good Guys around this single point of good conduct will put government back at our service because every point where we lost our freedom is a point where someone lied or the truth was kept from us.

All we have to do is insist upon the truth, to organize a grass-roots movement that will be able with a powerful voice to demand, root out and make public the truth of any situation, detect and expose the lies and sanction the liars. We do not need to abandon our institutions, overthrow government or do government’s job for it - we merely need to help make those institutions work for good by forcing them to be truthful and refusing to tolerate lies.

It is no mere platitude that the "truth shall set you free" it is the….er, truth

Think about it!

But don’t think too long.
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